Our Finances

Audited Accounts…

The latest approved Audited accounts are can be downloaded below.



Our Fund welcomes any funds or bequests made to it and you can be assured that any donations will be used for the purposes set out in our Trust Deed.

The finances of the Trust are audited each year by external independent auditors and formally considered and then approved by the Board.

Where Do Our Funds Come From?

St. Luke’s Cancer Research Fund relies totally on funding from bequests and charitable donations. Please click on the image to zoom.

Breakdown of SLCRF Expenditure

Please click the image to zoom.

Contact and Applications


13 + 15 =

Oakland, Highfield Road, Rathgar, Dublin 06 HH36

+353 (1) 406 5372


CHY 22658 / Registered Charity Number: 20205809